
Every solve greater than three moves

is counted as an attempt.


As you move coins accross the board,

the number of moves will increase.


The timer starts

when the first coin is selected.

The hint button reveals all positions

a selected coin can move to.

Solve In Three

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Rule 1

Rule 2

The goal of this puzzle is to arrange the six coins

into the shape of a ring.

There are many ways to solve this puzzle,

but only one way to solve it in three moves.

Solve in three with the fewest number of attempts,

and the shortest amount of time.

A coin can only move to a position

where it will touch two or more coins

A coin cannot move

if it is blocked by its surrounding coins.

This project was inspired by the same puzzle

featured in the video:

"The Coin Hexagon"

Warning: The solution to this puzzle can be found in this video